Creativity to help your business move forward.

As long as I can remember, writing has always been a passion of mine. The idea of using my words to inspire reactions and feelings inside of my readers has always excited me. And then I decided to take those talents and help causes that I truly care about. But how can I do that? I found myself wondering at times then I learned about Copy writing. It was like a match made in literary Heaven.

After getting out of the military in 2012, I had a passion to continuing serving my fellow veterans. I frequented military owned businesses as much as I could, but it didn’t seem like it was enough. So once I started Copywriting I was asked what my “niche” was going to be and the only response that made sense to me was “Veteran owned business, Second Amendment businesses and conservative political candidates” because those are the things that align most with my values in this world. Those three areas are the total focus of my business and if I can help make at least one Veteran entrepreneur successful and drive traffic to their product or service then I believe that it will be “Mission Accomplished.”